Best Morrowind Builds in 2024

It can be difficult to choose a Morrowind build. There are many options. Do you become a mage, a warrior or a thief? Do you mix and match? What’s the best build to have for the main and DLC quests? Well after two decades (has it been that long?) I have a few builds to get you started. Each one will cater to the classes mentioned above. But will be optimised to get you the most out of the game.
Before we get started, you need to be aware of a few points. Just because you start as one path doesn’t mean you can’t combine or even change completely the discipline you follow. If you find being a mage is not to your liking, but you’ve already completed half the quests. You can receive training from trainers to quickly level up into a warrior or even a thief. You level up using your major and minor skills, so if you choose to level up skills outside of them won’t boost your attributes. Unlike Oblivion and Skyrim, encounters do not level with your character. So there is little incentive to start a completely new character.
The Warrior Build

The warrior likes to get up close and personal with his or her enemies. They wear heavy armour to protect them from attack. While dealing damage using a great sword. They also carry a lot of loot due to their strength attribute. Their only weakness is magic. Close up the distance between yourself and the enemy to prevent them from killing you.
The Security skill can be exchanged for the alteration skill. Even though you are a warrior, to complete quests and get the best loot you need to unlock doors and containers. The alteration skill is more versatile and since you won’t be using magika for any other spells it could be a better choice. We’ve also added Mercantile and Speechcraft, but these can be exchanged for any other skill you desire.
Attribute | Points |
Strength (Favourite) | 60 |
Intelligence | 30 |
Willpower | 30 |
Agility | 40 |
Speed | 40 |
Endurance (Favourite) | 60 |
Personality | 30 |
Luck | 40 |
Major Skills
Skill | Level | Governing Attribute |
Long Blade | 50 | Strength |
Heavy Armor | 40 | Endurance |
Block | 35 | Agility |
Armorer | 35 | Strength |
Security | 30 | Intelligence |
Minor Skills
Skill | Level | Governing Attribute |
Hand-to-hand | 15 | Speed |
Axe | 25 | Strength |
Mercantile | 15 | Personality |
Medium Armor | 25 | Endurance |
Speechcraft | 15 | Personality |
The Warrior (+ 10 Attack)
The Mage Build

The mage build has a few weaknesses, however, the Atronach birthsign negates most of the weaknesses of magic. But, it does mean you need to keep a supply of magicka potions to keep your magicka pool up.
Short blade skill is an optional melee weapon skill. However, it is best to have at least one weapon-based skill when your Magicka reserves run dry. Exchange it for any other weapon skill that you prefer. You can always enchant the weapon with additional abilities. Since you have the Conjuration skill you can conjure up Daedra weapons which are stronger than most other weapons.
High Elf
Attribute | Points |
Strength | 30 |
Intelligence (favourite) | 60 |
Willpower (favourite) | 50 |
Agility | 40 |
Speed | 30 |
Endurance | 40 |
Personality | 40 |
Luck | 40 |
Major Skills
Skill | Points | Governing Attribute |
Destruction | 45 | Willpower |
Alteration | 40 | Willpower |
Conjuration | 40 | Intelligence |
Unarmored | 35 | Speed |
Mysticism | 35 | Willpower |
Minor Skills
Skill | Points | Governing Attribute |
Enchant | 30 | Intelligence |
Alchemy | 30 | Intelligence |
Mercantile | 15 | Personality |
Short Blade | 15 | Speed |
Speechcraft | 15 | Personality |
The Atronach
The Rogue Build

The Rogue build has always been my favourite build. Sneaking around and stealing from Balmora or Vivec is especially fun. You can easily amass a large number of septims very quickly if you are not caught. The magic schools of Illusion and Alchemy can be replaced with another school of magic or any other skill you prefer. It should see you through the Thieves Guild quite easily. However, make sure to keep your melee skills up to scratch.
Wood Elf
Attribute | Points |
Strength | 30 |
Intelligence | 40 |
Willpower | 30 |
Agility (favourite) | 60 |
Speed (favourite) | 60 |
Endurance | 30 |
Personality | 40 |
Luck | 40 |
Major Skills
Skill | Points | Governing Attribute |
Marksman | 50 | Agility |
Light Armor | 45 | Agility |
Short Blade | 35 | Speed |
Security | 35 | Intelligence |
Sneak | 45 | Agility |
Minor Skills
Skill | Points | Governing Attribute |
Mercantile | 20 | Personality |
Speechcraft | 20 | Personality |
Spear | 15 | Endurance |
Illusion | 15 | Personality |
Alchemy | 20 | Intelligence |
The Thief
Morrowind Builds
These are great entry-level builds that should get you through the main quests and the relevant guilds. These Morrowind Builds are only frameworks, so once you have more experience in the game you can craft them to your preferred playstule.