Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness How to Unlock All Classes

Disgaea is built upon its class system. Each class has its advantages and disadvantages over other classes. Only a few are unlocked at the start of the game, however, the below guide will provide all the information you need to unlock all classes.
For the stats of each class check out this wiki.
Available Classes from the Start
As soon as you unlock the Dark Assembly you have access to the following classes.
Male and Female Warrior

Both warriors have great stats for fighting on the front lines. However, magic is their weakness. So try to get them into melee range as quickly as possible to offset this weakness. Male warriors excel at using swords and axes. While the female warriors excel at swords and spears.
Male and Female Martial Artist

At first glance, the martial artist seems weaker than the warriors. However, they do possess higher counter attributes as well as greater movement. They are best used by attacking and retreating due to their low defense attribute. Both genders share the same proficiency with fists.
Skull and Mage

Skull (male) and Mage (female) are offensive spellcasters. They come in three forms each. Red (Fire), Blue (Water), and green (Wind). This limits their damage if faced with enemies with high resistance to the spellcaster’s element.
The latter tiers of the spellcasters: Star, Prism, and Galaxy have access to other elements such as Star which do not have the same resistances as the main three elements. It’s advisable to reincarnate them as Star Skill/Mage as soon as possible.
Male and Female Healer

Healers are very straightforward they come equipped with healing spells to support the rest of your party. Since they do not have access to offensive spells, they need to use weapons to defeat enemies to earn experience points.
Or even better you can have a mage (either gender) mentor a healer or vice versa. Then when they stand next to each other they have access to each other’s skills. If you improve the skill mastery to level one, the caster keeps the spell even when its mentor or student is not near them.
If you need a guide for Disgaea 2, check this guide out.
Classes You Have to Unlock

The archer is skilled at long-range attacks, especially with a bow. However, it has low defence and magic resistance so needs to be kept at a distance from enemies.
How to Unlock: Have a character with a level three mastery in using a bow. I would recommend using a female healer as they have the highest proficiency in using a bow (B).

The samurai is an improved version of the Warrior class. With heightened attack stat when compared with the Warrior. They also have an S rating for Swords, Spears, and Axes. A great option for a warrior to reincarnate into.
How to Unlock: Have a Female Warrior and a Female Martial artist total level equal to twenty or higher. i.e. A level 2 Female Warrior and a level 18 Female Martial artist.

As the Samurai is the more advanced version of the warrior class. The Ninja class is a more advanced version of the Martial Artist class. They can dodge skills (including healing) and have higher evasion and counters than the Martial Artist. They also have a high proficiency in fist combat.
How to Unlock: Have a Male Martial Artist and Male Warrior at level 5 +

The thief excels at stealing. This isn’t a useful skill until late game when you are trying to steal weapons that cannot be bought even at the highest level shop. Especially stealing legendary gear from Item gods or super bosses. The thief is also one of the easier classes to unlock and should happen through normal gameplay.
How to Unlock: Have two Level 5 + of the following classes: Male Warrior, Female Warrior, Male Martial Artist, or Female Martial Artist.

The Strider has two unique abilities:
Geo Change: This changes the Geo tiles on a map, only in cleared stages or the item world.
Dark Cannon: A turret that you can control on the first turn, after the first turn it automatically fires at the nearest enemy.
Both of these abilities can only be used once per map, regardless of how many striders you have. The Geo Change skill will come in useful in the item world if the geo tiles provided cause too much of an issue (Ally damage, damage, clone, warp).
How to Unlock: The same as the Thief: Have two Level 5 + of the following classes: Male Warrior, Female Warrior, Male Martial Artist, or Female Martial Artist.
Rune Knight

We have made it to the higher-level classes, which take a bit more time (or a lot of time) to unlock. The Rune Knight is proficient in both offensive spells as well as weapons. Which allows them to attack from short, medium, and long range. However their stats are lower than other classes, but the proficiency in spells and weapons more than makes up for it. As a bonus, If they use a normal attack there is a chance they will follow it up with a random magic spell.
How to Unlock: A level 10 female warrior and mage.
EDF Soldier

This is a weird one, you can unlock an Earth Defence Force Soldier to defend the prince of the netherworld. EDF soldiers are great with guns especially since their proficiency is S and their Hit progression is 120%. They are more like gunners from the other Disgaea games.
How to Unlock: A character with level 30 mastery in guns.
Celestial Host

The Celestial Host is a great all-rounder, however they only learn up to level 3 spells. To use higher levels you will need to teach them it via a mentor or pupil method. They are suited to swords, spears, bows, and staffs. Their stats are well-balanced and high, which is due to the tricker unlock requirement.
How to Unlock: You need a level 100 Female Healer, Rune Knight, and Archer.

The Majin is the ultimate class in Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness. Their attributes are all high, and they have an S proficiency in all weapons. The only areas they are lacking are that they don’t have the same steal bonus as thieves, they can’t dodge skills, they don’t have the unique skills of a Strider and they don’t learn spells via leveling up. However, the unique skills and spells can be learned by pupils.
Therefore to get the most from the end game, make sure to have at least a Thief to steal legendary items.
How to Unlock: You need characters with level 200 in the following classes at the same time:
- Male Warrior
- Male Martial Artist
- Ninja
- Thief
- Strider
How to Unlock All Classes
If you are struggling to get the necessary levels, check out this power leveling guide which should help you attain level 200 for the Majin class. None of this is needed to complete the game, and you can beat the main story using the classes you’ve unlocked at the start (or even with just Laharl).