How to Master the Monster Hunter Rise Bow in 2024

Welcome, hunters, to the ultimate guide on Monster Hunter Rise (affiliate link) Bow! Whether you're a seasoned veteran of the Monster Hunter series or a newcomer eager to dive into the world of Wyverns and Elder Dragons, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to wield the Bow with precision and deadly efficiency.
The Bow is a versatile and dynamic weapon, offering a unique blend of ranged combat with the agility to keep you on the move. Its playstyle is distinct, combining rapid shots, charged attacks, and a variety of coatings to adapt to any hunting scenario. Perfect for those who enjoy maintaining distance while delivering a relentless barrage of arrows, the Bow rewards accuracy, timing, and strategic thinking.
In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know to become a proficient Bow user. From understanding the basics of Bow mechanics and controls to mastering advanced techniques and combos, we'll walk you through each step of the journey. We'll also delve into the best equipment, skills, and strategies to maximize your effectiveness against the myriad of monsters you'll face in Monster Hunter Rise (affiliate link).
By the end of this guide, you'll not only understand how to use the Bow but also how to customize it to fit your personal playstyle and the specific challenges presented by different hunts. So, string your bow, ready your arrows, and let's embark on the path to becoming a legendary archer in the world of Monster Hunter Rise!
The Play-style
When using the Bow in Monster Hunter Rise, one of the key factors to maximizing your damage output is understanding the optimal range from which to attack your target. Each type of shot has a specific range at which it deals the most damage, and positioning yourself correctly can make a significant difference in your hunting efficiency.
Range Types for Different Bow Shots
- Pierce Shots:
- Range: Longest
- Description: Pierce shots are designed to travel through the monster, hitting multiple hitboxes along the way. This makes them highly effective at longer ranges, where they can maintain their trajectory and deal consistent damage through the monster’s body.
- Spread (Wide) Shots:
- Range: Shortest
- Description: Spread shots fire multiple arrows in a wide arc, making them most effective at close range. The arrows spread out and can hit multiple parts of a monster if you're positioned nearby, delivering high burst damage when up close and personal.
- Rapid Shots:
- Range: Medium
- Description: Rapid shots fire several arrows in quick succession. They are balanced in terms of range, offering reliable damage at a moderate distance. This makes them a versatile choice for various hunting situations.
Utilizing the Reticle for Optimal Distance
Thankfully, you don’t need to memorize the exact distances for each shot type, as Monster Hunter Rise provides a clear visual cue through the reticle to help you determine if you are at the optimal distance for your current shot type.

- Detailed Orange Reticle:
- Indicates Optimal Range: When your reticle is filled, it signifies that you are at the perfect distance to deal maximum damage with your shot. Whether you are using pierce, spread, or rapid shots, aim to position yourself so that your reticle remains filled to ensure you're hitting with maximum effectiveness.

- Orange Empty Reticle:
- Indicates Suboptimal Range: An orange empty reticle means you are either too close or too far from the monster to deal optimal damage. If you see this reticle, adjust your position accordingly to either move closer or farther away until the reticle turns green.
Another important aspect is arrow coatings. There are a total of seven coatings. Not all coatings are compatible with all bows and vice versa. After completing the solo campaign, I only found the power coating to be the most useful and versatile. You can either buy the coating or you can create coatings using Empty Phial and nitroshrooms.
The Controls
Weapon Unsheathed
Press Y, B or ZR to unsheathe your bow.
Aiming While Holding LR
Holding LR while your bow is drawn will allow you to aim your bow. This can be followed up with a ZR press to fire the bow.
Arc Shot
Press ZR + A to fire an Arc shot, which when it explodes causes a beneficial effect to be applied to those in range. The effects are:
- Recovery: The characters that are in the range of the buff will receive a small health recovery.
- Brace: Those who are caught in this buff will find it more difficult to be knocked down.
- Affinity: The chance of critical hits is increased.
Silk Bind Abilities
I recommend the following silk bind abilities to get the maximum out of the bow damage-wise.
Herculean Draw
Pressing R and A together will activate the Herculean Draw switch skill which will boost your attacks and allow you to fire arrows while evading. Try to activate this before your prey knows your there.
Aerial Aim
Pressing R and X will throw a Wirebug into the air and catapult the hunter along with it. While up in the air you can attack the monster with increased damage with the mounting effect as well.
Monster Hunter is all about damage dealing with as little damage receiving as possible. The Bow is the perfect weapon for this, especially because of the below combo.
(ZL + ZR) + (ZL + ZR) + (B + Any Direction on Left Stick) + (ZL + ZR) + (B + Any Direction on Left Stick)
Keep doing the last two steps until you run out of stamina then hit A repeatedly to finish off the combo. If you have any Dash or Mega Dash drinks this can make this combo go on forever.

Rampage Bow V
The best bow currently in Monster Hunter Rise is the Rampage Bow V. This is because the bow is highly customizable to suit every occasion. It includes 6 rampage slots that can expand the capability of the bow. Base damage sits at a hefty 200 attack with no elements. It also has the Affinity Arc Shot which can be used to buff your team's likely hood of scoring critical hits.
Armour Set
This website provides up to date builds for Monster Hunter Rise Bow hunters.
Monster Hunter Rise Bow
Using the above tips and tricks you should become a master of the Monster Hunter Rise build. If the gameplay stays the same, this guide may even help in Monster Hunter Wilds.