No Man’s Sky Wiring Loom: How to Find It?

No Man’s Sky Wiring Loom is used to craft many different items that will prove useful for your space adventures. The majority of which is equipment; this makes the game far easier and allows you to access various resources very quickly.
Unfortunately, it is not an item you can craft. Instead, you must either purchase wiring looms or disassemble products into salvage, which results in wiring loom.
The Most Convenient Method
There is a Space Station in every system. Look for this icon as soon as you enter space: Fly to the space station and dock.

When you’re inside, turn left and jump to the next level. You should observe the following towards the back of the area:

Move in front of the Galactic Trade Network and press the action button (X on Xbox). You should consider purchasing the Wiring Loom. It might be an expensive thing to purchase, so stock up on units before going out to buy it.

Less Easy Method
You may have some upgrade modules that you aren’t using if you’ve been playing No Man’s Sky for a while. This could be because you lack the equipment that the upgrade improves or because you have far superior upgrade modules installed.
If you need help with Medieval Dynasty check out this guide.
When you utilize the upgrade modules in a refinery, they will “refine” into Wiring Loom. If you don’t have more than three upgrades for the specific equipment, I would merely install it in the meantime.
There are a huge number of applications for wiring loom throughout the game. These all consist of either new equipment or upgrades.
Component 1 | Component 2 | Component 3 | Result |
Gold x100 | Sodium Nitrate x50 | Wiring Loom x1 | Ablative Armour |
Carbon Nanotubes x1 | Hermetic Seal x1 | Wiring Loom x2 | Advanced Mining Laser |
Wiring Loom x3 | Convergence Cube x2 | Platinum x50 | Advanced Translator |
Copper x160 | Carbon Nanotubes x5 | Wiring Loom x1 | Air Filtration Unit |
Solar Mirror x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Amplified Cartridges | |
Wiring Loom x2 | Cyto-Phosphate x90 | Hadal Core x3 | Archive Bypass Implant |
Glass x4 | Wiring Loom x1 | Barrel Ioniser | |
Chromatic Metal x200 | Condensed Carbon x150 | Wiring Loom x1 | javelin Blaze Javelin |
Glass x4 | Wiring Loom x1 | Boltcaster Ricochet Module | |
Chromatic Metal x250 | Wiring Loom x3 | Cadmium Drive | |
Solar Mirror x2 | Ion Battery x3 | Wiring Loom x1 | Cloaking Device |
Ion Battery x2 | Wiring Loom x1 | Combat Scope | |
Walker Brain x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | COMBAT Conflict Scanner | |
Dioxite x200 | Wiring Loom x2 | Cyclotron Ballista | |
Magnetised Ferrite x50 | Paraffinium x50 | Wiring Loom x1 | Drift Suspension |
Amino Chamber x3 | Wiring Loom x2 | Dyson Pump | |
Microprocessor x5 | Wiring Loom x1 | ECON Economy Scanner | |
Di-hydrogen Jelly x1 | Tritium x100 | Wiring Loom x2 | Efficient Thrusters |
Cadmium x250 | Wiring Loom x4 | Emeril Drive | |
Storm Crystal x3 | Microprocessor x2 | Wiring Loom x2 | Environment Control Unit |
Solar Mirror x1 | Wiring Loom x2 | Fourier De-Limiter | |
Magnetic Resonator x3 | Wiring Loom x2 | Fragment Supercharger | |
Magnetic Resonator x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Geology Cannon | |
Magnetised Ferrite x50 | Tritium x50 | Wiring Loom x1 | Grip Boost Suspension |
Magnetised Ferrite x50 | Dioxite x50 | Wiring Loom x1 | Hi-Slide Suspension |
Storm Crystal x3 | Microprocessor x2 | Wiring Loom x2 | Icarus Fuel System |
Phosphorus x200 | Hermetic Seal x4 | Wiring Loom x1 | Impact Igniter |
Wiring Loom x1 | Deuterium x200 | Incinerator Incinerator | |
Emeril x250 | Wiring Loom x5 | Indium Drive | |
Phosphorus x200 | Wiring Loom x2 | Infra-Knife Accelerator | |
Chromatic Metal x160 | Magnetised Ferrite x70 | Wiring Loom x2 | Interstellar Scanner |
Wiring Loom x2 | Unstable Plasma x4 | Large Rocket Tubes | |
Antimatter x5 | Magnetic Resonator x2 | Wiring Loom x2 | Launch Auto-Charger |
Solar Mirror x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Mass Accelerator | |
Antimatter x5 | Magnetic Resonator x3 | Wiring Loom x10 | Matter Beam |
Phosphorus x80 | Uranium x50 | Wiring Loom x1 | Megawatt Heater |
Wiring Loom x2 | Silver x50 | Pugneum x100 | Memory Fragment |
Soul Engine x1 | Wiring Loom x3 | Glass x3 | Mind Ark |
Quantum Computer x1 | Antimatter x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Minotaur AI Pilot |
Silicate Powder x100 | Cobalt x40 | Wiring Loom x1 | Exocraft Mounted Cannon Icon Minotaur Bore |
Pugneum x50 | Projectile Ammunition x200 | Wiring Loom x1 | Exocraft Mounted Cannon Icon Minotaur Cannon |
Chromatic Metal x80 | Di-hydrogen x65 | Wiring Loom x1 | LASER Minotaur Laser |
Chromatic Metal x75 | Gold x50 | Wiring Loom x1 | Minotaur Radar Array |
Magnetised Ferrite x95 | Magnetic Resonator x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Neutron Cannon |
Ionised Cobalt x50 | Deuterium x95 | Wiring Loom x1 | Neutron Shielding |
Hermetic Seal x2 | Wiring Loom x1 | Tritium x100 | Nonlinear Optics |
Wiring Loom x5 | Quantum Computer x3 | Solar Mirror x3 | Optical Drill |
Gold x120 | Microprocessor x3 | Wiring Loom x1 | P-Field Compressor |
Hermetic Seal x2 | Di-hydrogen Jelly x2 | Wiring Loom x1 | Paralysis Mortar |
Ion Battery x2 | Wiring Loom x1 | Personal Forcefield | |
Tritium x100 | Wiring Loom x1 | Phase Beam | |
Amino Chamber x1 | Hermetic Seal x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Plasma Launcher |
Uranium x200 | Wiring Loom x2 | Positron Ejector | |
Deuterium x200 | Wiring Loom x1 | spitter Pulse Spitter | |
Solar Mirror x1 | Quantum Computer x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Pulse Spitter Ricochet Module |
Hydraulic Wiring x3 | Quantum Computer x1 | Wiring Loom x2 | Q-Resonator |
Pugneum x200 | Wiring Loom x1 | Scatter Blaster Icon Scatter Blaster | |
Magnetised Ferrite x40 | Acid x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Self-Greasing Servos |
Magnetic Resonator x1 | Wiring Loom x1 | Scatter Blaster Upgrade Icon Shell Greaser | |
Wiring Loom x1 | Simple Translator | ||
Wiring Loom x2 | Quantum Computer x1 | Chromatic Metal x50 | Superior Translator |
Magnetic Resonator x3 | Quantum Computer x1 | Wiring Loom x2 | Survey Device |
Antimatter x1 | Wiring Loom x3 | Teleport Receiver | |
Dioxite x80 | Hermetic Seal x2 | Wiring Loom x1 | Thermal Buffer |
Wiring Loom x2 | Tritium x120 | Di-hydrogen x90 | Trade Rocket |
Basalt x70 | Ion Battery x2 | Wiring Loom x1 | Voltaic Amplifier |
Chromatic Metal x125 | Ionised Cobalt x75 | Wiring Loom x1 | Waveform Oscillator |
For a Cities Skyline’s guide click here.
No Man’s Sky Wiring Loom
Now that you have your Wiring Loom the universe is your oyster. You can now craft useful equipment/upgrades and progress your goals.