The Best Fallout 3 Mods Guide in 2024

Fallout 3 (affiliate link) needs no introduction. The first 3D first-person instalment of the popular series. It allows the player to explore the capital wasteland and hopefully save it from radioactive water. However, it is an old game. Graphics and other elements of video games have improved since its release date. So here is a Fallout 3 (affiliate link) mods guide to make the most of the modding community and play the game in a completely new way.
Table of Contents
What are Fallout 3 mods?
For those new to PC gaming, mods are third-party modifications to games that usually add to the game in some way. Fallout 3's modding community have taken the base game (along with the DLC) and improved it tenfold. In this guide, there are a mix of unofficial patches, graphic upgrades and even a complete overhaul of the game. Navigating and installing the mods can be intimidating for a new PC player. But this helpful modding guide will show you how to upgrade Fallout 3 to a brand new experience.
Step One: Install Fallout 3
To begin with, install Fallout 3 on Steam. This guide will focus on the Steam version of the game on Windows. Using either a different OS or game store will change how you install both the game and the mods. However, if you are using Steam Proton in Linux and MacOS this guide can be used.
- Click on Library in Steam.

- On the left hand click on the search bar and input Fallout 3.

- Fallout 3 should appear, click on it.
- On the main screen click Install and select your install location. It shouldn't take too long to download as it is only 7GB.

Though we have installed the game, we need to do a simple modification. Two years ago, Bethesda released an update of Fallout 3, which broke many mods that needed the older version to run. However, there is a way around this and it's by overwriting the .exe (the Fallout 3 executable) with the old version of Fallout 3, also by adding a .dll file to the folder.
Step 2: Downgrade Fallout 3 to
- In this video ( there are two links in the description. These are both needed to downgrade Fallout 3. Click the first link.

This will open a Google Drive folder. In the top right-hand corner is the download icon.
- Click it and the .zip file should begin downloading into your Downloads file. Once downloaded, extract the files into the download folder. We will need them later.

- Return to the description of the YouTube video and click on the second link.
- Click on the download icon shown below.

- Run the Fallout 3 game via Steam. This will create various files that we will need when installing the mods.
- As soon as you are at the main menu, quit back to desktop.
- Using File Explorer (or your favourite file browser), navigate to the local files of your Fallout 3 install. The quickest way to do this is to click the Gear icon on the Steam library page for Fallout 3 and click Manage, Browse Local Files.

- In a second file browser window open your Downloads folder
- Double click the “just works” folder.
- Inside there are two files: Fallout3.exe and FalloutLauncher.exe. Move these files into the Fallout 3 folder.
- Your OS may ask you to overwrite some files, click Yes.
- Once copied, return to your Downloads folder
- Copy the xlive.dll file into the Fallout 3 folder.
- In Steam, run Fallout 3 again.
- The Fallout 3 Launcher will appear. Click Data Files and tick Fallout3.esm.
- Click Play, the game should run, and there will be extra menu items such as LIVE which you can ignore. Now we can move on to the third-party mods.
Step Three: Patches and Extenders
We are going to install an unofficial patch and a script extender. The patch will remove the RAM limitation which will result in a more stable playthrough. The patch will also automatically load the Fallout Script Extender. The script extender allows modders to have access to a more powerful scripting engine. Therefore they can create modifications not available to the developers.
To begin with we will start with FOSE.
- Click here to go to the FOSE ( website
- Click on the download link under the heading Current stable version: v1.2 b2. This will download a 7zip compressed folder.
- Depending on your OS, you may have an extractor program for 7Zip installed. But if you don't, you can install it from
- Once FOSE has downloaded, extract the file into the Fallout 3 local files. (If unsure, extract into the Downloads folder, then copy the files into the Fallout 3 folder.
- Double click on the fose_loader.exe which, will install FOSE.
- Go to this website:,
- create an account if you haven't already (You don't need to pay for premium to download files).
- Under the Files tab, click Manual Download.
- Once downloaded, extract the files into the Fallout 3 directory
- Click Patcher.exe. This will install the patches.

- Start Fallout 3 using Steam
- While the game is loading press the back quote key on your keyboard “`”.
- This will bring up the console. Type:
- Press return or enter.
- Instantly a message should appear with FOSE version: 1. Which confirms FOSE has been installed.
Step 4: FOMM
The next step is to install a Fallout 3 mods manager. The two managers are Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) and Nexus' Vortex. Either is fine, but I prefer to use FOMM as it was built for Fallout.
- Go to this link:
- Download the manager.
You may notice this tool is listed under New Vegas, but it works fine for both Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
- Once downloaded, double-click on the file to install the program.
- Once installed, start the application and, on the popup select Fallout 3.

The FOMM interface should show. Next, we will can start installing Fallout 3 mods.

Step 5: Fallout 3: Wanderers Edition
The first entry in the list of Fallout 3 mods is Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition or FWE is a complete Fallout 3 overhaul. Once you've installed the above patches, this should be your next mod. It removes the ability to become a master of all skills. It rebalances the combat so it's more intense.
A built-in alternative start allows you to skip the vault and enter the wasteland more quickly.
Skill books provide perks instead of skills, creating a more interesting playthrough.
A hotkey for grenades so you no longer have to equip them. Other improvements include over 40 new weapons! Power armour becomes more powerful. You can find out more on the Mod's page.
- Go to
- Download all three files on this page.
- Once downloaded, return to FOMM
- Click Package Manager.
- It will ask you to log into Nexus and click cancel as this function is broken.
The Package manager appears and it should be empty.

- Click add FOMod, and find the first of the three files for the mod (FWE Master Release 6-0 – Part 1-2761) Double click it and it should install.
- It will ask if you want to make a copy of the original file as a backup, this is due to personal preference and I don't.
- If an error message appears while installing like the one below, it can be ignored. It will close FOMM, but the mod will be installed.

- Click FOMod, select the second mod and install it
- Again follow the same process as before. It may kick you out of FOMM, return to the Package Manager.
- Then repeat these steps to install the Hotfix.
- Unlike the other mods, this Hotfix will ask you to overwrite files. Click Yes to All.

- Next click the first file and click activate
- This will start the official install process, you can leave the options as they are.

- You have successfully installed Wanderers edition.
- Boot up the game using Steam and not FOMM. Play a new game and if it gives you the option of creating a Ghoul character then the installation has been successful.
Now you can stop here, or we can add more Fallout 3 mods.
Step 6: Weapon Mod Kits
Fallout New Vegas (affiliate link) introduced the weapon modding gameplay mechanic. The Weapon Mod Kits' mod retrofits this ability to Fallout 3. There are a total of five weapon mods that can be applied:
- Silencer
- Scope
- Auto-fire
- Extended mag/clip
- Laser Sight
Different weapons can equip different mods. Each mod boosts the durability of your weapon by 25%. To apply the mods, visit a workbench. I love using the silencer it makes sneaky builds more viable. The scopes also make distance targeting easier.
- Go to
- Click “manual download” the Weapon mod kits file.
- When downloaded, open FOMM
- Click Package Manager
- Click Add FOMod.
- Select the file. Then activate it. It will ask you to overwrite, choose Yes to All.
The mod author recommends that we use a program called FO3Edit to make a patch that will make running multiple Fallout 3 mods run smoothly. But we will need to finish the mod installation process before we create the patch.
Step 7: Fellout
The penultimate entry into our Fallout 3 mods is called Fellout. Say goodbye to the Fallout green tint, the mod replaces it with a better look. There is even rain in some locations to make the wasteland more vibrant. It's well worth installing if you are sick of the dreary look of the game. If used in combination with the next mod the game looks hugely improved.
- Go to Download the following files:
- Fellout
- DLC Support
- Fellout 1.23 ESP Update
- Following the steps from earlier,
- Install these mods in order
- Then activate them in order. But do not run the game yet, we still have one mod to install.
Step 7: NMCs Textures for Fallout 3
If you checked out my Fallout New Vegas (affiliate link) mods post, you will have already heard of NMC. They've even released a mod for Fallout 3 to improve the game's textures. It is one of the most popular Fallout 3 mods.
It comes in 4 different sizes. Ranging from a Lite to a Maximum version. If you have a gaming PC from the last few years it should easily run the maximum version. If you are using a normal PC or laptop you should try each version to see if it works. Using FOSE and Anniversary patches should make it run smoother than it would without them.
It improves the core game with bigger textures. Though it doesn't include NPCs or small objects. However, various other mods can be used to complement this mod to update the clutter objects and NPCs.
Whichever version you choose download it to your PC.
- Open FOMM
- Click Package Manager
- Add FOMod
This is one of the larger Fallout 3 mods, and so will take a while to install. As there are a lot of files and they are large.
- Once downloaded Activate the mod.

Step 8: The Final Step
We're almost finished with the Fallout 3 mods installation. We now need to create a patch that will make the game run buttery smooth.
- Before closing FOMM make sure all mods have been ticked.
- Go to
- Download the latest version of F03Edit at the time of writing it's 4.1.5f.
- Once downloaded unzip the file.
- Open the extracted folder
- Click on F03Edit.exe.
- Close the two welcome screens.

- You should then be presented with a list of all .esps and .esms. The majority of wich are the Fallout 3 mods you installed. Make sure they are all selected and click OK.

- It will then load each data file and all of the files inside. It can take a while so maybe go watch an episode of the Fallout TV series, while you wait. It will simply say Finish when it is done.
- On the left pane where the mods are listed, right-click on a space and click Other> Create merged patch. It will ask you to give it a name, I just put today's date. Then click OK.

- Now you can launch the game using Steam.
- Click on Data Files on the launcher
- Tick the patch. And if all goes well you should have a brand new gaming experience to enjoy.
If you add any more Fallout 3 mods, you will need to delete the patch and create a new one.
Fallout 3 Mods
If you have followed this guide you should now have a Fallout 3 modded. You don't have to stop here, there are plenty of other Fallout 3 mods on nexusmods that you can be downloaded.